How Many Hours Should AC Run Per Day? (7-Factors Why Always On)

When the dog days of summer are upon us, you may be wonderinghow long it should runbefore shutting downor if itsharmfulto run it for an extended period of time?

As a licensed HVAC contractor, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been asked this question.

Air conditioners aredesigned to run continuouslyand can run all day without stopping.

When the heat is oppressive and unforgiving during anextreme heat wave, it’s exceedingly common for an air conditioner torun all day long.

However, if your A/C runs all the time onmildly warm days, then it may beundersized或有其他问题如dirty filter.

Duringmoderate heat wavesa typical run cycle is 15-20 minutes long, usually 2-3 times per hour. The hotter it is outside, thelonger your AC will runto transfer the heat from your home outside.

7Factorsof AC’s Running Continuously

Several equipment and mechanical related issues can affect how long your AC can run continuously.

  1. Properly Sized Equipment
  2. 设备的年龄
  3. Poor Airflow
  4. Dirty Air Filter
  5. Dirty Condenser Coil
  6. High Temperature and Humidity
  7. Insulation and Sunlight

Factor #1: Properly Sized Equipment

Proper AC size is crucial for both comfort and efficiency.

Air conditioners are sized by the “ton.” One ton of cooling is equivalent to 12,000 BTU/hr. Heat load calculations are required to size air conditioners properly and take into account:

  • The size of each room
  • The amount of insulation in the walls and attic
  • The material the home’s built of
  • The amount of sunlight
  • How many doors and windows

All of these figures (and possibly more) have to be known to properly size an air conditioner so that it can efficiently cool the space it’s designed for.

If your AC is undersized, it will struggle to maintain comfortable temperatures and will run continuously even on moderately warm days.

During extreme heat, it won’t keep up at all. Your air conditioner runs all day and the temperature in the house keeps climbing.

If your AC is oversized, it won’t have any issue reaching your set temperature regardless of how hot it is outside. It will run in short cycles and struggle to remove the humidity from the air.

The excessive wear and tear on the compressor will inevitably reduce the equipment’s life expectancy.

Read Also >>Why Is My AC Window Unit Leaking Water?

Factor #2: Equipment Age

Like all mechanical equipment, your AC has an expected lifespan.

Parts and equipment wear out overtime and have to be replaced.The average life expectancy of a modern AC is 15-20 years, but depends heavily on where you live and how well your equipment has been maintained.

Coastal areas usually only get 8-12 years for an air conditioner because of the salty conditions.

Southern climates typically use air conditioners more of the year increasing wear and tear which decreases life expectancy, while northern climates use them less frequently allowing them to last longer.

空调越老,越有可能t is to have problems. It may have sprung a leak or it has coil issues preventing proper heat transfer.

These types of problems will cause the compressor to run all the time and prevent proper cooling.

Factor #3: Poor Airflow

Lack of airflow at the indoor and outdoor unitscan create a scenario where your air conditioner runs all day.

Dirty air filter (4)

Factor #4: Dirty Air Filter

Dirty air filters reduce airflow at the indoor evaporator coil. Poor airflow will cause the coil to get very cold and freeze the accumulated moisture on the coil fins.

Once the coil freezes it can no longer remove heat from your home and then your AC unit is running all day without cooling the house down.

If you find yourself with a frozen coil, I invite you to read our article onhow do you unfreeze an air conditioner?

Regularly replacing your air filter will prevent this from happening.

Factor #5: Dirty Condenser Coil

一个肮脏的冷凝器线圈通过th防止气流e outdoor unit. This is where the heat from the house is exchanged to the outdoor air.

If it is not properly removed, you’ll have excessively high head pressure whichcauses the compressor to work significantly harder, increasing your electric bill.

If you notice your ac is running for 12 hours a day, this may be the cause.

Washing your condenser coil with a garden hose to remove significant debris will help tremendously.

Chemical cleaners may be necessary to thoroughly clean indoor and outdoor coils.

If you aren’t sure what type of cleaner to use on your coil, check out our article onthe best cleaner for AC coils.

dirty ac condenser

Factor #6: High Temperature and Humidity

Excessive heat and humidity will almost always cause your air conditioner to run continuously.

The bigger the difference in temperature between your indoor set point and the outdoor temperature, the harder and longer your AC will run. I also encourage you to read our guide onwhat is a good temperature for AC in summer.

Keeping your thermostat set point as high as comfortably possible will help your AC run as efficiently as possible.

Factor #7: Insulation and Sunlight

Poorly insulated homesallow heat to infiltrate through the walls and ceilingincreasing the temperature of your home.

Since it’s the air conditioners job to remove heat from the house, additional heat from the walls and attic cause it to work overtime to keep you cool.

Insulation is one of the best investments you should consider when trying to increase your heating and cooling efficiency.

Large windows or an abundance of windows allow significant sunlight to enter a living space.

The majority of sunlight that enters through the window becomes heatand increases the load on your air conditioner, potentially causing your AC to run all day.

Window coverings can help reduce the amount of extra heat added from sunlight, increasing efficiency and decreasing utility bills.

Takes Less Energy For A/C To Keep Running

It may seemcounterintuitivethat a system running continuously is more efficient than a unit that cycles off frequently, but that is the case with air conditioning.

The compressor in the outdoor unit, the component that “pumps” the refrigerant,uses the most power on startup.

It takes more energy to start the compressor than it does to keep it running.

Short Cycles Reduce Life Expectancy

A system that has short cycles, kicking on and off every 5 minutes or so, will consume large amounts of power and willgreatly reduce the life expectancy of the equipment.

The shorter run cycles also prevent proper dehumidification, creating an uncomfortable environment and encouraging mold growth.

Higher Efficiency Allows AC to Stay On Longer

The higher the rating, the more efficiently the air conditioner can transfer heat. Most of the time these higher efficiency units are multi stage or have modulating compressors.

This allows the unit to stay on longer at lower capacity and lower energy usage while keeping consistent comfortable temperatures in your home.

An air conditioner running continuously with this type of system is to be expected and generally is more efficient to operate.

SEER Ratings

All air conditioners have an efficiency rating also known as SEER.

SEER stands for seasonal energy efficiency ratio and represents how much energy the unit requires over the course of one year.

SEER2 is the updated version of this that started January 1, 2023 and includes a blower testing procedure that more accurately depicts real world conditions to get more precise efficiency ratings.

RELATED:Why Is My A/C Condenser Leaking?

Maintenance Will Extend Life of HVAC

Preventative maintenance is encouraged to ensure optimal AC performance for as long as possible.

Regularly replacing air filters and keeping coils cleancan make a world of difference in how your air conditioner operates. It can significantly extend the life of your equipment.

Pick A High SEER Rating

When the time does come to look at a replacement, consider a higher SEER or SEER2 rating.

Look at the equipment capacity and staging and ask questions. Bigger isn’t always better, at least not with AC.

You want an air conditioner that isn’t too big or too small. It has to be just right for your home and the amount of insulation you have. Make sure the installing contractor is thorough when sizing your equipment.

READ ALSO:How To Fix Bad Air Conditioner Smells?

Final Thoughts

It may seem like something isn’t right if your AC runs continuously or seems to be struggling.

That may not necessarily be true. If you have your thermostat set low and the outdoor temperature is significantly higher than that, don’t be surprised if your air conditioner runs all day.

It’s most likely running exactly as it should.

On the other hand, if the temperature in the house continues to climb or it can’t keep up on a mild day, you may have something to be concerned with. If that’s the case, start with your filter and check your coils.

It’s usually best to call a professional to check things outas well to make sure everything is working as efficiently as possible.

Doing so can help extend your equipment’s lifespan and give you peace of mind that you’ll be comfortable all summer long.


Is it OK for my air conditioner to run continuously?

Yes, it’s okay for your AC to run continuously on hot days. Modern air conditioners are designed to run 24 hours a day.

How long is too long for an AC to run?

There is no length of time that is too long for an air conditioner to run. If your system is running constantly and not cooling, it’s best to shut it down and have it looked at by a professional.

How cool should my house be if its 110 outside?

If it’s 110 degrees outside, I recommend setting your thermostat at 78°F. Most air conditioners can only cool between 20-25°F degrees below the outdoor temperature, so your unit may struggle to maintain with outdoor temps that high.

Is it normal for AC to not keep up on hot days?

In extreme heat it is not out of the ordinary for an AC to struggle to maintain temperature, but on standard hot days it shouldn’t be an issue.

It may run continuously, but it should keep up.

How long should it take to cool a house from 80°F to 72°F?

On average it should take about 3 hours to cool from 80°F to 72°F, but this depends on several variables.

Outdoor temperature, equipment size and efficiency, and home size are a few factors that have to be considered and can change the length of time.

What happens if the AC runs too long?

Nothing major happens if your AC is running excessively.

Air conditioners are designed to run for long periods of time. Other than normal wear and tear, there’s nothing to be concerned with.


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